WordPress.com Vs WordPress.org

Seperti yang sudah aku sampaikan di postingan awal, nge-blog dengan script WP yang diambil dari WordPress.org dang nge-blog pakai host gratisan dari WordPress.com, jelas banyak bedanya. Seperti yang sudah jelas-jelas dan saklek ditulis di Faq-nya :

You may find yourself blogging here on WordPress.com for a while and then realize that you want to make some changes to the software. You ask around: “Is it possible to edit your theme in WordPress?” People tell you that it is possible, yet you can’t find a way to do it. This can be confusing! Why can’t you upload plugins? Why can’t you upload themes? Why can’t you edit files? Why aren’t the menus there? Why can’t you do things the way the documentation (Codex) says?

The confusion comes from not understanding the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org. Let’s clear it up.

WordPress.org is blogging software that is freely available to anyone to download. That site provides free software and documentation on how to use it. The software must be downloaded and installed onto a computer. WordPress, being internet software, must be installed on a web server–that’s a computer that is set up to serve web pages over the internet–and your personal computer probably isn’t a web server. So, to make the free WordPress software work, you have to own a web server or rent some space on one. That’s called hosting and it’s not usually free. There are plenty of good hosts out there who will let you install WordPress on their web servers for a reasonable fee. You can then do anything you like with your own copy of WordPress: install plugins and themes, etc.

WordPress.com is different. It’s a web site that provides blogs hosted free of charge. The software on WordPress.com is not the same software you can download from WordPress.org. It is a multi-user version of WordPress that allows many thousands of blogs to be hosted on a single web server. The free blog hosting does not come with the ability to upload plugins or themes. Because any change in the software affects every blog on the system, many of the things you can do on your own hosted WordPress blog are disabled here. Some of these features may become available in the future as paid upgrades, comparable with traditional hosting fees.

WordPress.org Benefits

* Ability to upload themes
* Ability to upload plugins
* Great community
* Complete control to change code if you’re technically minded
* Your own domain

WordPress.org Cons

* You need a good web host, which generally costs $7-12 a month
* Requires more technical knowledge to run
* You’re responsible for stopping spam
* You have to handle backups
* You must upgrade the software manually when a new version comes out
* If you get a huge spike in traffic (like Digg or Slashdot) you site will probably go down

WordPress.com Cons

* Limited customization of themes (though we’re adding more every day)
* You can’t hack the code behind your blog
* You can’t have your own domain (we’re going to make this possible)

WordPress.com Benefits

* It’s much easier
* Everything is taken care of: upgrades, backups, security, etc
* Your blog is on dozens of servers, so it’s highly unlikely it will go down due to traffic
* Your posts are backed up hourly
* Your login is secure (SSL) so no one can get into your account if you use wifi
* You can find like-minded bloggers using tags


  1. duh saya br buat blog di wordpress.com ..blum sy isi apa2 bingung mo ngetik pa ?trus pertama yg saya lakukan apa yah ? saya baca tutorial di internet malah bingung sendiri? aplg ada istilah2 SEO lah PR2 PR3 lah, link berduit lah..jd pusing sendiriiii…dimana saya bs baca artikel and trik buat pemula bgt !! thx mbk

  2. mbak maya…. aku mo nanya, kalo blog yg mbak maya ini pake wordpress.com ato wordpress.org…? maklum maih baru nyoba wordpress. thanks jawabannya, blog mbak maya ini keren abisss….

    yang ini wordpress.com .. kan ada urlnya tuh diatas 😀

  3. lho…
    situsku nggawe wordpress.com apa wordpress.org ya….
    padahal aku baru mulai posting belajar menginstal wp…
    jadi malu nih…

  4. aku juga bingung banget mbak may, maklum wong awam…kemarin aku daftar account di wordpress.com terus aku upgrade pake nama domain sendiri, bayar 10 credit…terus aku pingin masukin plugin kok ga bisa ya…gimana nih caranya aku bener2 bingung, gak mudeng blas kata orang Jawa….help help mbak may…ya apa nih ?

    mas, untuk WP.com, upgrade itu hanya seperti mengarahkan domain kita ke sini aja (forwarding) jadi ngga bisa install apa-apa, soalnya ngga dihosting sendiri kan

  5. barusan instal wordpress.org. welehh… bingung kabeh…. bikin aku kangen berat sama wordpress.com 😀 lha wong aku ftp aja belum bisa je, apa-apa disuruh upload sendiri 😦

    bagusnya pilih mana may untuk blog di situsku (berbasis joomla), bikin subdomain trus diforward ke blog wp.com apa instal wp.org di subdomain itu? apa plus-minusnya? ada pengaruhnya ke traffic & SEO gak?

    Bagus pake wp.org di subdomain sendiri, mbak..kemarin aku coba domain forwarding ke id-wordpress.com, tapi ternyata kalo kita klik suatu post misalnya :
    https://rivermaya.wordpress.com/2007/01/27/wordpresscom-vs-wordpressorg/ di domain sendiri itu, stating di browsernya tetap http://id-wordpress.com saja tanpa ada keterangan judul postnya, jelas aja ngaruh ke SEO, karena bisa nggak terdeteksi kan ? Imho 🙂

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